2013年11月19日 星期二

國際扶輪3500地區苗栗第二分區2013~14年度竹南鎮國中﹑ 小學英語朗讀-國小中年級組文章


2013 英語朗讀比賽國小中年級組文章 1 

1Funny Money  
Long time ago, people didn’t go to an office or factory to earn money. They found it on the ground. The money was large, round, and flat. It looked like what it was—a stone!
      Because the stone were special and very hard to find, they were valuable. The larger the stone, the more it was worth. Some people found their money at the seashore. They used red, black, and white shells. The women broke the shells into small fragments. They polished them carefully and made holes in them. Then they strung the pieces on strings. One string of shell money would buy food.
      Some people could eat their money. They made money out of salt. They shaped it into small bricks. The bricks were all of the same size and value. They were stamped with a picture of the king. Salt money wasn’t as heavy as stone money. It wasn’t as hard to find as shell money. But when it rained, salt money might melt.
      Finally, people started using metal for money. Metal wasn’t easily hurt by water, heat or time. Metal money is much better than salt or shell or stone money. But if you have a lot of it, metal money is hard to carry around. It is heavy and takes up too much space. So today we also have paper money. It has numbers printed on it to show how much the money is worth.

2013  英語朗讀比賽國小中年級組文章 2

2The Sun, the Moon, the Wind and the Sky

Very many years ago the Thunder and the Lightning invited their cousins, the Sun, the Wind and the Moon to dinner. Their father, the Sky, helped them to get ready and they soon left.
Both the Sun and the Wind were very greedy and were busy eating. They didn’t think of their father who was at home all by himself.
   When the three brothers came home their father welcomed them back. He said to them, “Did you enjoy yourselves? Did you have a nice time? I’m sure that both your cousins were very polite and offered you a nice dinner. Have you brought me anything to eat?”
   “You must be joking, father,” said the Sun and the Wind. “We were very busy eating and didn’t have time to think about you.”
   “Both of you are rude and selfish. Here, father, have something to eat,” said the Moon.
   “Thank you my son. You will always be cool, peaceful and beautiful and everybody will love you. When people see you in the sky they will sing to you and admire you for your beauty and elegance. As for you two, you deserve a severe punishment. You, Sun, will burn forever; you will always be hot, and you will never enjoy a cool moment. As for you, Wind, you will never relax; you will run forever. Whatever you touch will die. People will hate you. I think that this punishment will serve you right.”

2013英語朗讀比賽國小中年級組文章 3

3The Smell of Bread

A baker lives in a small town. Every day he makes bread at his bakery. His thick, brown bread is delicious. It has a wonderful smell.
      Every morning Gabriel sits down in front of the bakery and smells the bread. Gabriel is a poor man. He doesn’t have enough money to buy the bread, but he loves the smell.
      One winter day the baker sees Gabriel smelling the bread. He gets very angry. “You are stealing the smell of my bread,” he says. “You can’t do that! You must pay me for it!”
      “I’m not eating the bread,” answers Gabriel. “I don’t have to pay just to smell it.”
      “Yes, you do,” says the baker. “Let’s ask the judge,” says Gabriel.
      The judge listens to Gabriel and the baker. “This is a difficult problem.” he says. He sits and thinks.
      After two hours the judge asks Gabriel, “Do you have any money?” Gabriel takes out a little bag with ten pennies in it. “Shake the bag, Gabriel,” says the judge. Gabriel shakes the bag and the coins jingle. “Listen to the sound of the coins, Baker,” says the judge. “The sound of Gabriel’s money pays for the smell of your bread.”

2013英語朗讀比賽國小中年級組文章 4

4The Fox and the Goat

A fox one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out. A thirsty goat, came to the same well, and seeing the fox, asked if the water was good.
“It’s wonderful,” shouted the fox from the bottom of the well. “Come on down.”
The goat, thinking only of his thirst, jumped down. But just as he drank, he realized he was trapped! The fox had an idea.
“If,” said he, “you will place your forefeet upon the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and escape, and will help you out afterwards.”
 The goat agreed and the fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the goat’s horns, he safely reached the top of the well and ran off as fast as he could. 
“What about me?” shouted the goat from the bottom of the well.
The fox was long gone, and the goat was very wet.

2013英語朗讀比賽國小中年級組文章 5

5How to Stay Healthy

People do different things to stay healthy. Some people do exercise, and some eat healthily. But why do we need to do these? Because we want to live longer and stronger, and I believe nobody likes to take medicine. Besides doing exercise and eating healthily, there are also other ways to keep healthy.
First, drink more water. Most of my friends like beverage or soda, but they not only hurt our stomach but also make us get fatter.
Second, smile all the time. Always keeping in a good mood is very important.  If you got angry easily, you may get old easily.
Third, never eat too salty and fast food. Eating fast food or too much salty food may make you get heart disease easily.
At last, get enough sleep. According to the studies, people need to sleep for eight hours a day, and we need to go to bed before ten.

Actually, there are a lot of ways for you to choose from. It’s all up to you, but for me, I do all of these.

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